Once you've created your payment methods, you can give your team members access Typically we would recommend to assign payment methods to entire groups so it's a lot it easier to manage. Note that by default, payment methods or not accessible by other team members until you allow them to.
Before you get started:
- Make sure that you have created your groups and users.
- Create your payment methods that you want to allow your team members to use (deposit, card or Volopay).
Setting up deposit wallets of cards as a shared payment method
After you've created a deposit wallet or card as a payment method, hit the edit button on the payment method page. In this example below we'll explain what it looks like for the deposit wallet.
When editting the payment method, you can decide to give access to all users in the system, or assign them to specific users or groups.
In this example below the engineering group will have access to this deposit account. So any team member in the engineering group, will have access to this payment method.
If you assign a payment method to a group, every team member in that group will have access to that payment method upon checkout.
Setting up Volopay as a shared payment method
When the Volopay integration is enabled. All travellers will by default have access to their volopay account as a payment method. You can learn more about that in this help article