Making a hotel or accommodation booking in TruTrip is as simple as 1, 2, and 3. Start with a search for the hotel name or general location of where you want to stay. Our system will then search from thousands of hotels in our inventory and from our trusted travel partners.
Choosing where to stay
You can choose the hotels based on your needs through either a list view or a map view. The map view will help in giving a point of reference that is near and around your hotel of choice. Filters are available and will be applied for both List View and Map View.
Choosing a room type
Each hotel will have multiple room types and multiple prices per room. Each price and room will have its refund policy and amenities that are included, take a closer look before booking to find the most suitable room for your needs.
The room rates that are listed here are sourced and aggregated from our trusted travel partners, these would include:
- Sabre
- Bedsonline
Reviewing your booking
Review your date of your stay, and also the room that you have selected. Please also keep in mind of the check in and check out date.
Make sure you have chosen the correct passport that you will be travelling with because this passport will be used during check-in. You can find out more on how to set up and add additional passports through this link.
You can also select ID card as your prefered travel document, however please take note that the hotel might still require a passport as proof of identity, especially if you are staying abroad.
You can also check the maximum occupancy of the room itself, and also the cancelation and refund policy before choosing your payment method.
If you are booking for multiple people, you can also change who will be the lead traveller. The lead traveller is the person who will be responsible for the hotel check-in process.
If you need additional services, specific bedding preferences, airport transfers, or any other request, you can put them within the special request box. We will share this request with the property. However, some requests may incur additional charges. We will contact you with any special request updates.
Choosing a payment method
You should be able to see the payment options that have been set up by your manager/administrator. You can choose to pay with any of the listed payment methods, although we would recommend verifying with your manager for which payment method to be used for purchase.
After confirming a payment method, we will then start the booking process for your itinerary. Sit back, relax, and we will update you through email once we have confirmed your hotel itinerary.
If your manager had set up a policy that ensures all booking requires approval, then you will be informed about this booking will need approval from your manager. We will not be processing the payment until the approval has been given from your manager. Hence, it is imperative that the approval from your manager is given as soon as possible so that we can secure your room.
You will also be required to write a rationale or explanation regarding your booking request. We will be sharing this explanation to your manager.
Find out more about how policy and approval work from this article here.