Booking a train ticket
How can I book a train ticket?
From the main menu go to Trains. Note that, at the moment you can only book trains from and to train station inside of China. Reach out to the travel support team if you need a train ticket in Europe or the USA.
There are two types of bookings that you can choose:
- One Way, you only need to put the departure, arrival place, and departure date
- Round Trip, you will need to click on "Add return trip" button to add a return date
After typing in the booking information, click on "Find Train Rides". You can also tick on "High Speed Train Only" to filter your search results
Choosing a Train
There are 5 types of seats that you can choose (please notes that different type of train may lead to different seat types and availability):
- Standing
- Hard Seat
- Hard Bed Top
- Second Class Seat
- First Class Seat
To make it easier for you, we already include additional information regarding the seat, simply hover your mouse to the Information logo next to seat options. You need to select one of the seat type selections to continue to the booking and payment process.
Reviewing your train booking
Make sure you have selected the right passport that you will be travelling with. If you don’t have a passport yet, you can simply add a new passport directly, or read more about adding passports here. You can also use your Chinese ID, just simply add a new ID directly.
Making Payment
You should be able to see the payment options that has been setup by your manager/administrator. You can choose to pay with any of the listed payment methods, although we would recommend verifying with your manager which payment method to be used for purchase.
After confirming a payment method, we will then start the booking process of your itinerary. Sit back, relax, and we will update you through email once we have confirmed your train itinerary.
Do I need Approvals when making a train booking?
Yes. At the moment, all trains booking need approval from a manager. To read more about Approvals flows, click here.
How are bookings made outside China Railway’s operating hours?
You can search for train rides and make booking requests outside of China Railway’s operating hours (05:30-23:30 GMT +8). Once a booking request is made, our team will handle the booking for you. You will receive an email confirmation once your booking is confirmed.
How to use an e-ticket?
You will receive an electronic train ticket upon booking. If you are a foreign passenger, you are required to go through a special lane at the station. Keep your passport and your e-ticket(s) ready to show station personnel. When exiting the platform at your arrival station, your passport will be checked again. To exit, you can head directly to the manual checking lane. Find out more about e-tickets here.
I have completed a booking request but what happens if tickets are unavailable?
Our support team will present you with the next best option. If this doesn’t suit your preferences, we will be happy to offer you a refund. More about your confirmed bookings and refunds can be read in here.