If you need to book travel for someone without giving them access to the TruTrip platform, you can add them as a guest users
What is a Guest?
A guest is another way to add people to TruTrip with limited access. Unlike managed travelers, guests are intended for individuals outside your company. Use cases for guests include:
- Booking on behalf of a vendor through TruTrip.
- Booking for your family through TruTrip.
In these cases, the guest does not need access to the platform and should be added as a guest.
How to Add Guests to TruTrip
Guests can be added and managed through the profile settings under "My Guests" or via this link: app.trutrip.co/me/guests.
- Click the "Add" button.
- Enter the guest's first and last name. If you leave the "Guest email" field empty, no invitation email will be sent. You will need to forward any booking-related emails to the guest, as they will not receive any communication from TruTrip.
You will also notice fields for "Relationship" and "Visibility":
- Relationship: Identifies the guest as either a corporate guest or a personal family member.
- Visibility: Determines if the guest is visible to other travelers and managers in your company. For third-party vendors, select "Company." For family members, select "Private."
Upgrading guests to a full user
Once you've added a guest to the platform, super admins can manage and upgrade them to a full user account at any time. This applies to all guests, including those created by other users within your company.
To upgrade a guest:
- Access the guest's profile page: This can be done through the guest management page or the user and groups page.
- Initiate the upgrade process: Select the "Change to full user" option to upgrade the guest to a full user.
Important changes upon upgrade:
- Removal from parent account: The guest will no longer be associated with the user who invited them.
- Full user status: The guest will transition to a full user account.
- TruTrip access: The guest will gain access to TruTrip as a user with the ability to create booking requests.
Super admins can further customize the upgraded user's role by assigning them as an admin or group manager. For detailed information on role differences and permissions, please refer to this help article.