Booking a flight in TruTrip is as easy as booking from any other travel agent platform. Simply go to the home page or, and fill in the flight type, destinations and travel dates.
1. Finding the right flight
When searching for a flight, we'll show you the cheapest fare by default, depending on your travel policy . You can also adjust the filters or sorting based on whatever priority or preference you might have. Other than that, there are a few things to look out for:
Different fare options
Once you've selected a flight. Click on "view options" to view all fares available. You can find all info about cancellation and refund terms, flight flexibility and baggage here.
Codesharing (operated by other airlines)
Some flights are operate by other airlines than the airlines selling the ticket. If this is the case we'll show it to you like in the example below.
Self-transfer flights
If a flight is a self-transfer flight, the itinerary consists of two separate bookings (with two separate confirmation numbers). This usually requires you to:
- Collect your checked baggage and check in again the transit airport for your connecting flight
- Clear through security and immigration, a visa may be required
- Get the boarding pass for your next flight at the transfer desk of the transit airport (rare)
Don't hesitate to reach out to our support team if you need any help or have question about your self-transfer requirements.
2. Review all traveller details before booking
Once you've selected your flight, we'll guide you to a screen where you can make sure that all traveller details are accurate/up to date. On this screen you can do a few things:
Add right travel documents (passport or ID card)
Make sure you have selected the right passport or ID card that you will be travelling with. If you use a passport we'll also show you a bit more information about your passport validity, visa requirements, and other regional health & safety alerts. You'll notice these based on the checkboxes at the top (green in the example below). You can read more on how Fit-to-Fly works here .
If you are travelling on a domestic route, you can select ID card as your preferred travel document.Do make sure that your ID card is valid for travel in the respective country.(e.g.if you are travelling between Jakarta and Bali, you can only travel with a valid Indonesian ID card).
Add baggage or seats
When available, you can purchase additional baggage or select your preferred seat selection.If there are any additional cost, it will show up like this.
Special request
If you have any special meal, accessibility, other requests that you need our help with, just fill it in at the bottom and we'll get back to you with some options.
3. Confirming your booking
Depending on your policy, you can either immediately check out and book your flight, or request it for approval. Either way, you'll have to select your payment method first.
If no approval is required, your payment method will be charged and your booking processed. You'll receive a confirmation email once done.
Submitting your booking for approval
If your policy requires you to request approval first, the booking won't be processed or charged yet and you'll have to add some information about the booking as well.
Find out more about how policy and approval works from this article here .