Can I hold a specific listed price for a Flight and Hotel Booking?
Unfortunately, you can’t. The price list is managed by the service provider (airlines and hotel establishments) and we provide the real-time prices as supplied by them.
What happens when you book and the price has changed before the manager approved it?
Airline and accommodation prices change all the time. When you make a booking, we will do our best to hold the booking price while the request is awaiting approval by your manager. If the price changes in the meantime, we will always display the updated price to your manager for approval.
Note: if the waiting period is getting lengthy (beyond 24 hours) there might be a chance that your desired flight or room is no longer available (or the price has changed significantly) so it's always good to remind your approver to check out your book as soon as they can.
If you would like us to help you locate alternatives at the same budget, we will be happy to do so. Contact us via the live chat support function on the bottom right of your screen. Alternatively, you may contact us at +65 3129 2139 or email us at