What is my Fit to Fly status?
The TruTrip Fit to Fly checks whether your travel documents are sufficient for the requirements for your chosen route. This is broken down into three sections, Passport, Visa, and Covid related requirements.
I’ve got a negative fit to fly, can I still make a booking?
Yes, the fit to fly status is a guide to help you understand the documentation required for your trip. We will not prevent you from making a booking with a negative status if you want to correct your documentation after the booking has been made. After booking, you can view your latest status is the My Trips section
I’ve got a conditional status, what does that mean?
A conditional status means that there is some data missing, preventing the service from giving you a definitive answer. Document requirements are complex and constantly changing so please check the expanded results view for more information. If you are still unsure, please contact the travel experts in our support team and they will be able to advise.