When users leave your company or they don't need access to the system anymore, you can decide to deactivate their account.
Things to note before deactivating users
- Only super admins are allowed to deactivate users. If you do not have that role, please contact us and we can share with you who in your company does.
- We recommend moving users to a policy that requires all travel to be approved if you are concerned about a user who you plan to deactivate, but has travel outstanding.
- You can only deactivate users that have the "Traveller" role. If they are admins or managers, you will need to downgrade their role first. More about roles here .
- It's not possible to deactivate any accounts for travellers that have an ongoing trip or outstanding booking that has not passed yet. You will need to cancel their bookings first.
How to deactivate a user account
Deactivating, or suspending, an account is straightforward and will only take you a minute.
From the main menu click Manage >
Users & Groups
Look up the user you want to deactivate (make sure they have the "Traveller role", or
change their role
to traveller first.) and hit the 3 dots on the right side of their name and click "deactivate".
3. Confirm and save, that's it! This user will not be able to log in any more and bookings can't be made on his behalf after this.
When a user account has been deactivated:
- They will not be able to log in AND bookings cannot be made on their behalf either.
- They can be reactivated at any moment later on by clicking on their name and selecting "Active this user" again.
- They can't be permanently deleted. This is to protect the data integrity on the system and ensure your reports in years to come remain accurate.